
Discover the experience of having your own flat with all the amenities, from the moment you book your place to when you leave for the holidays at the end of the year.

1/ You're looking for student accommodation

You’ve contacted us and decided to book a place for one of our flats. Great! We will take your details and talk about formalising the contract

ilustración de un sofá naranja de un piso
ilustración de una maceta con una planta

We will chat to you and look at who your next flatmates will be. If you are coming with your friends, don’t worry, you will be able to stay together.


It’s not long until you move to your new accommodation. Ask us if you have any questions, we want to get everything ready for your arrival, whether you are coming from far away or are already studying in Pamplona.

2/ Tick tock....

icono de un reloj

3/ welcome to pamplona

When you arrive in Pamplona, we will give you the keys and welcome you at your flat. Are you coming with your family? Let us know and we can help find accommodation for them in the city. During the first few days, we will explain all the information you need to know and will have a small welcome event for our cohousers.

You will have the independence to organise your life, your studies, your plans… with the security and peace of mind that your stay is in good hands. We take care of providing the services you need and some extras (raffles, advantages….).

4/ 4. Everyday life in your flat

un universitario tocando el piano en su habitación en pamplona
detalle de las manos de un estudiante jugando a cartas con sus amigos
un grupo de amigos se divierte jugando a videojuegos en el salón de su apartamento en Pamplona
una bicicleta aparcada en la terraza de un piso en pamplona
una joven estudiante descansa en el sofá mientras mira el teléfono móvil

Focus on studying, meeting new people, doing sport at the gym, pursuing your hobbies… if you get organised, there’s time for everything. This is especially the case when you don’t need to worry about food or cleaning the apartment.

chs space

If you are going to be away from the flat and you are expecting a package to be delivered, you can ask them to send it to our premises and come and collect it when it’s convenient for you. We are situated by the campus of the University of Navarre and the health campus of the Public University of Navarre, so you won’t have any problems calling in. And that’s right where the avenida Pío XII starts, the university area is the best place to enjoy a drink with friends. You will meet the rest of the cohousers there and at the regular activities that we organise throughout the year. We also have raffles and advantages for you.

Does the flat need a repair? Send us a message and we will resolve the issue. For our part, if we have any notices to give you we will contact you, always respecting your independence. We are there for when you need us.

We are at your service

5/ see you soon!

When you go back home for the holidays, you can leave some of your belongings in our store, so it will be easier to organise the flat for the following year. See you after the summer!


ilustración de una maleta naranja

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Do you want to be a part of this experience? Join our family of Cohousers.